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custom admin connect * MP3 * msg * STEAM-ID * GeoIP [ V1.4 |
tested on steam cs 1.6

Version 1.4

- used get_configsdir instead of hardcoded path
- added geoip support / set by cvar amx_acs_addgeo 0|1
- did some minor code optimisation

Version 1.3

- added multilingual support by using customizable textstrings
- added soundsupport for users also (by steam id)
- added admin / user leave sounds
- autoassign default settings when acs.cfg is incorrect
- increased performance through less code and variables
- checks if soundfile exists before precaching (server crashed)
- agein new config format. I'm sorry for that

Version 1.2

- added STEAM ID support, so any admin can have his own sound (thx to kingzope for the idea)
- elder features still working

Version 1.1

- added text message on Admin / Users join
- added automatic sound download
- added mp3 support
- customized soundfile (set in acs.cfg)

Version 1.0

- plays a sound on admin connect

Download link: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->[1]
Daca o freci aiurea, intra-ti in mana!

Messages In This Thread
custom admin connect * MP3 * msg * STEAM-ID * GeoIP [ V1.4 | - by catalin - 11-16-2007, 03:43 PM

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